Monthly Archives: September 2012

RR: Lake Hinson 24 hour….distance PR!!

I’m going to try to keep this short…because if I dont get this up before Twin Cities Marathon it might never happen…but as some of you Facebook peeps know, I attended a 24 hour race on Saturday. Oh. My. Goodness. If I die tomorrow, I hope I’ve done enough good in the world to have […]

Iron Mountain Trail 30 Miler – A DNF Mad Lib RR

‘ve had a hard time writing this and making it fun. Because not finishing really, really sucks. I’m still kinda mopey about my first DNF…so, I hope you guys are willing to play along (GUILT TRIP!). You know you have work you’re trying to avoid…so get out a pen and paper and number it 1-25…fill […]